What we think, we live.

It’s been a bit since I’ve Blogged =) I hope this little post meets you well….if under the weather, mending, if tired, resting…if empty, close to filling up. I’ve been going non stop for a while now and although weary, I’m super Grateful. Feels good to know that I am participating in my life to such an extent . I’m tired but inspired at the end of the day. I bought a new plant this week, I wanted to buy something that produced flowers, so I got a Desert Rose …it’s a beauty! Buy a plant, it is bound to make your home happier! =) Thanks for all those who’ve come to my sidewalk shows recently at Jojo’s and Susie’s… ‘preciate it! =) Enough of me…here’s a BiG thanks to all the artists, writers & people who inspire me! Here we gooo…….

This Movie has been the seed that Storm Saulter has been watering for 3 1/2 years now. I met Storm a few months before he started writing the script. This movie is a perfect example of one manifesting their dreams into realities. I heard him on a talk show this week and he spoke about us being encouraged to be  consumers, good citizens but never really encouraged to manifest  our thoughts into reality. A saying I remember from my early teens was my Aunt Joysie telling me, “just when you think you should give up on a dream is exactly when the dream needs you to push on forward” Not everything will come out exactly the way we plan it in our heads. But, be careful what you do think about, as it bears a striking resemblance. This movie will be showing in cinemas on October 13th!

I always believed the urban legend that this speech was once a commencement speech written for a  Graduating class. But on posting this blog I used the trusty service of Wikipedia and discovered this: “Mary Shmich’s “Advice, like youth, probably just wasted on the young” was published in the Chicago Tribune as a column on June 1, 1997. In her introduction to the column, she described it as the commencement speech she would give if she were asked to give one. The column soon became the subject of an urban legend, in which it was alleged to be an MIT commencement speech given by author Kurt Vonnegut in that same year (in truth, MIT’s commencement speaker that year was Kofi Annan). Despite a follow-up article by Schmich on August 3, 1997, in which she referred to the “lawless swamp of cyberspace” that had made her and Kurt Vonnegut “one”, by 1999 the falsely attributed story was widespread.” …Well, thanks Mary for writing this awesome speech that you never made and giving permission to Baz Luhrmann to recording it as a speech to music!! On those mornings I feel like I’ve lost the plot …I listen to these beautiful words!! If you havent already you should DeFiNitElY check out the DESIDERATA for more inspiring words!!!

My LoVe for musicals is HUGE!!!!! I have seen quite a few and look forward to seeing a good dozen more… you should check out a musical at least once in your life time! I bet you you’d enjoy it , well maybe you would! =) This is one of my favorite songs from Les Miserable….an awesome lil musical!!! The video clip isn’t exactly how you’d see it… a musical is a play told through music… this clip is just the characters singing into the mic, so you miss out on seeing the set design etc. Nonetheless.. here is “Castle on  a cloud” one of my favorite from this musical!!!


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